YoungBoy Never Broke Again headshot

YoungBoy Never Broke Again

Baton Rouge, Louisiana, United States
October 20th, 1999

YoungBoy Never Broke Again's Birth Chart & Zodiac Sign

By Sonya SchwartzLast updated on February 2, 2024
YoungBoy Never Broke Again headshot
Credit: Icebox
License: cc-by-3.0

YoungBoy Never Broke Again

Baton Rouge, Louisiana, United States
October 20th, 1999
Libra Sun
Pisces Moon
Sagittarius Rising

YoungBoy Never Broke Again, born Kentrell DeSean Gaulden, is a prominent figure in the music industry, particularly known for his work in the hip-hop genre. Born on October 20th, 1999, in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, United States, YoungBoy catapulted to fame with his music that often reflects his tumultuous life experiences, marked by legal issues and personal struggles. Despite these challenges, his raw talent and authentic storytelling have garnered him a massive following. His zodiac sign is Libra, which is often associated with a strong sense of justice, a keen eye for beauty, and a natural inclination towards harmony.

Planet Positions

This section lists the positions of planets at the time of YoungBoy Never Broke Again's birth. It includes in which signs they were, including the degrees, and in which houses they were. Any sign with an (R) behind it was in retrograde at that time.
Sun in 26° 51' Libra (10th House)
Juno in 12° 39' Sagittarius (12th House)
Mars in 2° 38' Capricorn (1st House)
Moon in 2° 26' Pisces (2nd House)
Ceres in 9° 47' Virgo (9th House)
Pluto in 8° 46' Sagittarius (12th House)
Venus in 10° 47' Virgo (9th House)
Vesta in 27° 31' Libra (10th House)
Chiron in 2° 49' Sagittarius (11th House)
Pallas in 1° 16' Leo (7th House)
Pholus in 0° 4' Scorpio (10th House)
Saturn (R) in 15° 2' Taurus (5th House)
Uranus (R) in 12° 52' Aquarius (2nd House)
Vertex in 11° 53' Leo (8th House)
Jupiter (R) in 0° 21' Taurus (4th House)
Mercury in 20° 37' Scorpio (11th House)
Neptune in 1° 36' Aquarius (1st House)
Ascendant in 27° 57' Sagittarius (1st House)
Midheaven in 13° 37' Libra (10th House)
Descendant in 27° 57' Gemini (7th House)
Imum Coeli in 13° 37' Aries (4th House)
North Node (R) in 9° 47' Leo (8th House)
South Node (R) in 9° 47' Aquarius (2nd House)
Part of Fortune in 3° 31' Taurus (4th House)
Black Moon Lilith in 15° 21' Sagittarius (12th House)
White Moon Selena in 21° 58' Scorpio (11th House)

Overall Chart Impression

YoungBoy Never Broke Again's birth chart reveals a complex individual with deep emotional currents and a strong drive for success. The Sun in Libra in the 10th house highlights his public persona as someone who seeks balance and harmony but is also deeply concerned with his career and public image. The Moon in Pisces in the 2nd house suggests a sensitive and intuitive nature, with a strong emotional attachment to personal values and possessions.

Mercury in Scorpio in the 11th house indicates a sharp, investigative mind that thrives on uncovering the truth, often leading to intense and transformative ideas that can influence his social circles and fan base. Venus in Virgo in the 9th house points to a meticulous approach to love and relationships, combined with a love for exploration and higher learning.

The presence of Mars in Capricorn in the 1st house bestows upon him an ambitious and disciplined energy, driving him to work tirelessly towards his goals. The retrograde planets, particularly Jupiter in Taurus in the 4th house, suggest periods of internal growth and the need to revisit and reassess personal beliefs and values.

The chart patterns, including the T-Squares and Cradle, indicate a life filled with challenges that require balancing and integration but also provide the potential for significant personal growth and achievement.

Sun, Moon, and Rising Signs

YoungBoy's Sun in Libra gives him a natural inclination towards seeking balance and harmony in his life and relationships. However, this is often challenged by the complexities of his personal and professional life. His Moon in Pisces adds a layer of sensitivity and intuition, making him deeply empathetic but also prone to emotional turbulence. The Rising sign in Sagittarius suggests an adventurous spirit and a straightforward, sometimes blunt, manner of expressing himself. This combination of Sun, Moon, and Rising signs creates a personality that is at once seeking peace, deeply emotional, and fiercely independent.

Personality Through The Lens Of Astrology

YoungBoy's birth chart offers fascinating insights into his personality and life experiences. Here, we explore how specific astrological placements have manifested in his character and life events.

1. Artistic Expression

Venus in Virgo in the 9th house reflects YoungBoy's meticulous approach to his music and lyrics, often striving for perfection and delivering messages with precision. This placement also suggests a love for exploring deep, philosophical themes through his art.

2. Emotional Depth

The Moon in Pisces provides YoungBoy with profound emotional depth and intuition, which is evident in the raw and authentic expression found in his music. This placement allows him to connect with his audience on a deeply emotional level, sharing his vulnerabilities and experiences.

3. Drive and Ambition

Mars in Capricorn in the 1st house is indicative of YoungBoy's relentless drive and ambition. This placement bestows a disciplined and strategic approach to his career, enabling him to overcome obstacles and work tirelessly towards his goals.

4. Challenges and Growth

The T-Squares in his chart, particularly Sun, Jupiter, and Neptune, highlight the significant challenges YoungBoy faces in balancing his personal growth with his aspirations and dreams. These aspects suggest a life path marked by intense learning experiences and the need to find harmony between his inner world and external achievements.

Chart Patterns

This section provides an overview of YoungBoy Never Broke Again's chart patterns identified in their natal chart, ranging from Grand Trines, Yods, T-Squares, Kites, Mystic Rectangles, Thors Hammers, and many other relevant patterns.

Cradle (1 Detected)

Jupiter in 0° 21' Taurus
Mars in 2° 38' Capricorn
Moon in 2° 26' Pisces
Sun in 26° 51' Libra

T Square (2 Detected)

Sun in 26° 51' Libra
Jupiter in 0° 21' Taurus
Neptune in 1° 36' Aquarius
Mercury in 20° 37' Scorpio
Saturn in 15° 2' Taurus
Uranus in 12° 52' Aquarius

Planet Aspects

This section provides an overview of each of the aspects found in YoungBoy Never Broke Again's chart. It includes the major aspects as well as the minor aspects between all planets, asteroids, and other important points in their natal chart.

Major Aspects

Sun trine Moon orb: 5° 34'
Sun sextile Mars orb: 5° 47'
Sun opposition Jupiter orb: 3° 29'
Sun square Neptune orb: 4° 45'
Sun square Pallas orb: 4° 25'
Sun conjunction Vesta orb: 0° 40'
Sun conjunction Pholus orb: 3° 13'
Sun sextile Ascendant orb: 1° 6'
Sun trine Descendant orb: 1° 6'
Sun opposition Part of Fortune orb: 6° 40'
Moon sextile Mars orb: 0° 13'
Moon sextile Jupiter orb: 2° 5'
Moon square Pluto orb: 6° 21'
Moon opposition Ceres orb: 7° 22'
Moon trine Vesta orb: 4° 54'
Moon square Chiron orb: 0° 23'
Moon trine Pholus orb: 2° 22'
Moon sextile Ascendant orb: 4° 28'
Moon trine Descendant orb: 4° 28'
Moon sextile Part of Fortune orb: 1° 6'
Mercury opposition Saturn orb: 5° 35'
Mercury square Uranus orb: 7° 45'
Mercury conjunction White Moon Selena orb: 1° 21'
Venus trine Saturn orb: 4° 15'
Venus square Pluto orb: 2° 0'
Venus square Black Moon Lilith orb: 4° 34'
Venus conjunction Ceres orb: 0° 59'
Venus square Juno orb: 1° 52'
Venus square Chiron orb: 7° 58'
Venus trine Part of Fortune orb: 7° 15'
Mars trine Jupiter orb: 2° 18'
Mars trine Ceres orb: 7° 9'
Mars sextile Vesta orb: 5° 7'
Mars sextile Pholus orb: 2° 34'
Mars conjunction Ascendant orb: 4° 41'
Mars opposition Descendant orb: 4° 41'
Mars trine Part of Fortune orb: 0° 53'
Jupiter square Neptune orb: 1° 15'
Jupiter square Pallas orb: 0° 56'
Jupiter opposition Vesta orb: 2° 49'
Jupiter opposition Pholus orb: 0° 17'
Jupiter trine Ascendant orb: 2° 23'
Jupiter sextile Descendant orb: 2° 23'
Jupiter conjunction Part of Fortune orb: 3° 11'
Saturn square Uranus orb: 2° 10'
Saturn square North Node orb: 5° 15'
Saturn square South Node orb: 5° 15'
Saturn trine Ceres orb: 5° 14'
Saturn opposition White Moon Selena orb: 6° 56'
Saturn square Vertex orb: 3° 8'
Uranus sextile Pluto orb: 4° 6'
Uranus opposition North Node orb: 3° 5'
Uranus conjunction South Node orb: 3° 5'
Uranus sextile Black Moon Lilith orb: 2° 29'
Uranus sextile Juno orb: 0° 13'
Uranus trine Midheaven orb: 0° 45'
Uranus sextile Imum Coeli orb: 0° 45'
Uranus opposition Vertex orb: 0° 59'
Neptune opposition Pallas orb: 0° 20'
Neptune square Vesta orb: 4° 5'
Neptune sextile Chiron orb: 1° 13'
Neptune square Pholus orb: 1° 32'
Neptune square Part of Fortune orb: 1° 55'
Pluto trine North Node orb: 1° 0'
Pluto sextile South Node orb: 1° 0'
Pluto conjunction Black Moon Lilith orb: 6° 35'
Pluto square Ceres orb: 1° 1'
Pluto conjunction Juno orb: 3° 53'
Pluto trine Pallas orb: 7° 30'
Pluto conjunction Chiron orb: 5° 58'
Pluto sextile Midheaven orb: 4° 50'
Pluto trine Imum Coeli orb: 4° 50'
Pluto trine Vertex orb: 3° 7'
North Node opposition South Node orb: 0° 0'
North Node trine Black Moon Lilith orb: 5° 34'
North Node trine Juno orb: 2° 52'
North Node trine Chiron orb: 6° 58'
North Node sextile Midheaven orb: 3° 50'
North Node trine Imum Coeli orb: 3° 50'
North Node conjunction Vertex orb: 2° 7'
North Node square Part of Fortune orb: 6° 15'
South Node sextile Black Moon Lilith orb: 5° 34'
South Node sextile Juno orb: 2° 52'
South Node trine Midheaven orb: 3° 50'
South Node sextile Imum Coeli orb: 3° 50'
South Node opposition Vertex orb: 2° 7'
South Node square Part of Fortune orb: 6° 15'
Black Moon Lilith square Ceres orb: 5° 34'
Black Moon Lilith conjunction Juno orb: 2° 42'
Black Moon Lilith sextile Midheaven orb: 1° 44'
Black Moon Lilith trine Imum Coeli orb: 1° 44'
Black Moon Lilith trine Vertex orb: 3° 28'
Ceres square Juno orb: 2° 52'
Ceres square Chiron orb: 6° 59'
Ceres trine Part of Fortune orb: 6° 16'
Juno sextile Midheaven orb: 0° 58'
Juno trine Imum Coeli orb: 0° 58'
Juno trine Vertex orb: 0° 46'
Pallas square Vesta orb: 3° 45'
Pallas trine Chiron orb: 1° 32'
Pallas square Pholus orb: 1° 12'
Pallas square Part of Fortune orb: 2° 15'
Vesta conjunction Pholus orb: 2° 33'
Vesta sextile Ascendant orb: 0° 26'
Vesta trine Descendant orb: 0° 26'
Vesta opposition Part of Fortune orb: 6° 0'
Pholus sextile Ascendant orb: 2° 7'
Pholus trine Descendant orb: 2° 7'
Pholus opposition Part of Fortune orb: 3° 27'
Ascendant opposition Descendant orb: 0° 0'
Ascendant trine Part of Fortune orb: 5° 34'
Descendant sextile Part of Fortune orb: 5° 34'
Midheaven opposition Imum Coeli orb: 0° 0'
Midheaven sextile Vertex orb: 1° 43'
Imum Coeli trine Vertex orb: 1° 43'

Minor Aspects

Sun semisquare Venus orb: 1° 5'
Sun semisquare Juno orb: 0° 48'
Sun quintile Vertex orb: 2° 58'
Moon quintile Saturn orb: 0° 36'
Moon semisextile Neptune orb: 0° 50'
Moon quincunx Pallas orb: 1° 9'
Mercury quintile Venus orb: 2° 10'
Mercury quintile Neptune orb: 1° 1'
Mercury quintile Ceres orb: 1° 10'
Mercury biquintile Descendant orb: 1° 20'
Mercury biquintile Imum Coeli orb: 1° 0'
Venus quincunx Uranus orb: 2° 5'
Venus semisextile North Node orb: 1° 0'
Venus quincunx South Node orb: 1° 0'
Venus semisquare Vesta orb: 1° 45'
Venus quintile White Moon Selena orb: 0° 49'
Venus quintile Descendant orb: 0° 49'
Venus quincunx Imum Coeli orb: 2° 50'
Venus semisextile Vertex orb: 1° 7'
Mars sesquiquadrate Saturn orb: 2° 37'
Mars semisextile Neptune orb: 1° 2'
Mars biquintile North Node orb: 1° 8'
Mars quincunx Pallas orb: 1° 22'
Mars semisextile Chiron orb: 0° 10'
Jupiter biquintile Pluto orb: 2° 26'
Jupiter sesquiquadrate Black Moon Lilith orb: 0° 0'
Jupiter sesquiquadrate Juno orb: 2° 42'
Jupiter quincunx Chiron orb: 2° 28'
Saturn quincunx Black Moon Lilith orb: 0° 19'
Saturn quincunx Juno orb: 2° 23'
Saturn sesquiquadrate Ascendant orb: 2° 4'
Saturn quincunx Midheaven orb: 1° 25'
Saturn semisextile Imum Coeli orb: 1° 25'
Uranus quincunx Ceres orb: 3° 5'
Uranus quintile Chiron orb: 1° 57'
Uranus semisquare Ascendant orb: 0° 5'
Uranus sesquiquadrate Descendant orb: 0° 5'
Neptune semisquare Black Moon Lilith orb: 1° 15'
Neptune biquintile Ceres orb: 2° 11'
Neptune quintile White Moon Selena orb: 2° 22'
Neptune biquintile Descendant orb: 2° 21'
Neptune quincunx Descendant orb: 3° 39'
Neptune quintile Imum Coeli orb: 0° 1'
Pluto biquintile Part of Fortune orb: 0° 45'
North Node semisextile Ceres orb: 0° 1'
South Node quincunx Ceres orb: 0° 1'
Black Moon Lilith sesquiquadrate Pallas orb: 0° 55'
Black Moon Lilith semisquare Pholus orb: 0° 17'
Ceres quintile White Moon Selena orb: 0° 11'
Ceres quintile Descendant orb: 0° 10'
Ceres biquintile Imum Coeli orb: 2° 11'
Ceres quincunx Imum Coeli orb: 3° 49'
Juno semisquare Vesta orb: 0° 8'
Pallas biquintile Ascendant orb: 2° 41'
Pallas quincunx Ascendant orb: 3° 19'
Pallas quintile Midheaven orb: 0° 20'
Chiron quincunx Part of Fortune orb: 0° 43'
White Moon Selena biquintile Descendant orb: 0° 1'
White Moon Selena biquintile Imum Coeli orb: 2° 21'
Ascendant quintile Midheaven orb: 2° 21'
Ascendant sesquiquadrate Vertex orb: 1° 4'
Descendant quintile Imum Coeli orb: 2° 21'
Descendant semisquare Vertex orb: 1° 4'

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