Tommy Lee headshot

Tommy Lee

Athens, Attica, Greece
October 3rd, 1962

Tommy Lee's Birth Chart & Zodiac Sign

By Sonya SchwartzLast updated on February 3, 2024
Tommy Lee headshot
Credit: Glenn Francis
License: cc-by-sa-3.0

Tommy Lee

Athens, Attica, Greece
October 3rd, 1962
Libra Sun
Sagittarius Moon
Sagittarius Rising

Tommy Lee is a renowned musician, best known as the drummer for the heavy metal band Mötley Crüe. Born on October 3rd, 1962, in Athens, Attica, Greece, Lee's flamboyant performance style and personal life have kept him in the public eye for decades. Beyond his music career, he has also dabbled in reality television and solo musical projects. His zodiac sign is Libra, which hints at his charismatic and somewhat controversial personality.

Planet Positions

This section lists the positions of planets at the time of Tommy Lee's birth. It includes in which signs they were, including the degrees, and in which houses they were. Any sign with an (R) behind it was in retrograde at that time.
Sun in 9° 43' Libra (10th House)
Juno in 28° 8' Leo (8th House)
Mars in 25° 20' Cancer (8th House)
Moon in 0° 10' Sagittarius (12th House)
Ceres in 20° 32' Leo (8th House)
Pluto in 10° 53' Virgo (9th House)
Venus in 21° 5' Scorpio (11th House)
Vesta in 26° 40' Leo (8th House)
Chiron (R) in 7° 3' Pisces (3rd House)
Pallas in 8° 54' Cancer (7th House)
Pholus (R) in 13° 29' Aquarius (2nd House)
Saturn (R) in 4° 48' Aquarius (2nd House)
Uranus in 3° 16' Virgo (9th House)
Vertex in 0° 52' Leo (8th House)
Jupiter (R) in 3° 56' Pisces (3rd House)
Mercury (R) in 16° 36' Libra (10th House)
Neptune in 12° 1' Scorpio (11th House)
Ascendant in 17° 16' Sagittarius (1st House)
Midheaven in 5° 50' Libra (10th House)
Descendant in 17° 16' Gemini (7th House)
Imum Coeli in 5° 50' Aries (4th House)
North Node (R) in 6° 34' Leo (8th House)
South Node (R) in 6° 34' Aquarius (2nd House)
Part of Fortune in 7° 43' Aquarius (2nd House)
Black Moon Lilith in 7° 43' Libra (10th House)
White Moon Selena in 6° 27' Leo (8th House)

Overall Chart Impression

Tommy Lee's birth chart reveals a complex individual with a dynamic blend of creativity, sensitivity, and rebellion. The Sun in Libra in the 10th house underscores his natural charisma and desire for harmony, yet it's juxtaposed with a drive for public recognition. The Moon in Sagittarius in the 12th house adds a layer of emotional restlessness and a quest for deeper meaning, often hidden from public view.

Mercury Retrograde in Libra also in the 10th house suggests that communication, especially in his career, may come with its challenges and misunderstandings, but also provides a unique, introspective approach to his art. Venus in Scorpio in the 11th house speaks to intense relationships and a passionate approach to both love and friendships, while Mars in Cancer in the 8th house indicates a powerful, emotional undercurrent driving his actions, often linked to his family and close relationships.

The presence of Jupiter Retrograde in Pisces in the 3rd house suggests a boundless imagination and a spiritual quest that influences his communication style. Meanwhile, Saturn Retrograde in Aquarius in the 2nd house points to unconventional values and lessons learned the hard way regarding personal resources and self-worth.

The chart patterns, including a T-Square involving Jupiter, Uranus, and the Moon, and a Golden Yod with Pluto, Saturn, and Venus, highlight significant life challenges and karmic lessons related to emotional expression, relationships, and personal transformation.

Sun, Moon, and Rising Signs

Tommy Lee's Sun in Libra imbues him with charm, a strong sense of justice, and a natural inclination towards the arts. His Moon in Sagittarius brings a restless, adventurous spirit, constantly seeking truth and deeper meaning, often in a private, introspective manner. The Sagittarius Ascendant amplifies this quest for knowledge and freedom, presenting a personality that is both optimistic and fiercely independent. Together, these placements create a persona that is charismatic yet enigmatic, sociable yet deeply introspective.

Personality Through The Lens Of Astrology

Tommy Lee's birth chart offers fascinating insights into his personality and life events. Let's explore how astrology reflects his character and experiences.

1. Charismatic Performer

Sun in Libra in the 10th house and Sagittarius Ascendant contribute to Tommy's magnetic public persona. Libra's influence makes him a natural performer who thrives in the spotlight, while Sagittarius adds a fearless, adventurous edge to his performances. His ability to connect with audiences and his dynamic stage presence can be attributed to these placements.

2. Emotional Depth and Turbulence

With Mars in Cancer in the 8th house, Tommy's emotional world is intense and deeply private. This placement suggests strong, sometimes tumultuous emotions that can deeply influence his personal relationships and creative output. It's this emotional depth that fuels his artistic expression, making it authentic and resonant.

3. Relationship Intensity

Venus in Scorpio in the 11th house points to Tommy's intense and passionate approach to love and friendships. Scorpio's influence means he experiences relationships deeply, with a tendency towards extremes in love. This placement also hints at transformative relationships that have a lasting impact on his life and growth.

4. Rebellious Streak

The T-Square involving Jupiter, Uranus, and the Moon highlights a natural tendency towards rebellion and a dislike for restrictions. This aspect pattern underlines his unpredictable and sometimes controversial actions, both in his personal life and public persona. It's this rebellious streak that often sets him apart from others, making him a true original.

5. Spiritual Quest

Jupiter Retrograde in Pisces in the 3rd house reflects Tommy's deep, spiritual side and a lifelong quest for meaning beyond the material world. This placement suggests that despite his wild public image, he possesses a profound inner life and is on a constant journey to understand the deeper truths of the universe.

Chart Patterns

This section provides an overview of Tommy Lee's chart patterns identified in their natal chart, ranging from Grand Trines, Yods, T-Squares, Kites, Mystic Rectangles, Thors Hammers, and many other relevant patterns.

T Square (2 Detected)

Jupiter in 3° 56' Pisces
Uranus in 3° 16' Virgo
Moon in 0° 10' Sagittarius
Uranus in 3° 16' Virgo
Chiron in 7° 3' Pisces
Moon in 0° 10' Sagittarius

Golden Yod (1 Detected)

Pluto in 10° 53' Virgo
Saturn in 4° 48' Aquarius
Venus in 21° 5' Scorpio

Planet Aspects

This section provides an overview of each of the aspects found in Tommy Lee's chart. It includes the major aspects as well as the minor aspects between all planets, asteroids, and other important points in their natal chart.

Major Aspects

Sun conjunction Mercury orb: 6° 53'
Sun trine Saturn orb: 4° 55'
Sun sextile North Node orb: 3° 9'
Sun trine South Node orb: 3° 9'
Sun conjunction Black Moon Lilith orb: 2° 0'
Sun square Pallas orb: 0° 49'
Sun sextile White Moon Selena orb: 3° 16'
Sun trine Pholus orb: 3° 47'
Sun trine Descendant orb: 7° 33'
Sun conjunction Midheaven orb: 3° 53'
Sun opposition Imum Coeli orb: 3° 53'
Sun trine Part of Fortune orb: 1° 60'
Moon trine Mars orb: 4° 50'
Moon square Jupiter orb: 3° 46'
Moon sextile Saturn orb: 4° 37'
Moon square Uranus orb: 3° 6'
Moon trine North Node orb: 6° 23'
Moon square Juno orb: 2° 2'
Moon square Vesta orb: 3° 30'
Moon square Chiron orb: 6° 53'
Moon trine White Moon Selena orb: 6° 17'
Moon sextile Midheaven orb: 5° 40'
Moon trine Imum Coeli orb: 5° 40'
Moon trine Vertex orb: 0° 42'
Mercury sextile Ceres orb: 3° 56'
Mercury square Pallas orb: 7° 42'
Mercury trine Pholus orb: 3° 7'
Mercury sextile Ascendant orb: 0° 40'
Mercury trine Descendant orb: 0° 40'
Venus trine Mars orb: 4° 15'
Venus square Ceres orb: 0° 33'
Venus square Juno orb: 7° 3'
Venus square Vesta orb: 5° 35'
Venus square Pholus orb: 7° 36'
Mars conjunction Vertex orb: 5° 32'
Jupiter opposition Uranus orb: 0° 40'
Jupiter opposition Pluto orb: 6° 57'
Jupiter opposition Juno orb: 5° 48'
Jupiter trine Pallas orb: 4° 58'
Jupiter opposition Vesta orb: 7° 16'
Jupiter conjunction Chiron orb: 3° 7'
Saturn square Neptune orb: 7° 13'
Saturn opposition North Node orb: 1° 46'
Saturn conjunction South Node orb: 1° 46'
Saturn trine Black Moon Lilith orb: 2° 55'
Saturn opposition White Moon Selena orb: 1° 40'
Saturn trine Midheaven orb: 1° 2'
Saturn sextile Imum Coeli orb: 1° 2'
Saturn opposition Vertex orb: 3° 56'
Saturn conjunction Part of Fortune orb: 2° 56'
Uranus conjunction Pluto orb: 7° 37'
Uranus conjunction Juno orb: 5° 9'
Uranus sextile Pallas orb: 5° 38'
Uranus conjunction Vesta orb: 6° 36'
Uranus opposition Chiron orb: 3° 47'
Neptune sextile Pluto orb: 1° 7'
Neptune square North Node orb: 5° 27'
Neptune square South Node orb: 5° 27'
Neptune trine Pallas orb: 3° 7'
Neptune trine Chiron orb: 4° 57'
Neptune square White Moon Selena orb: 5° 33'
Neptune square Pholus orb: 1° 29'
Neptune square Part of Fortune orb: 4° 17'
Pluto sextile Pallas orb: 1° 59'
Pluto opposition Chiron orb: 3° 50'
Pluto square Ascendant orb: 6° 23'
Pluto square Descendant orb: 6° 23'
North Node opposition South Node orb: 0° 0'
North Node sextile Black Moon Lilith orb: 1° 9'
North Node conjunction White Moon Selena orb: 0° 6'
North Node opposition Pholus orb: 6° 56'
North Node sextile Midheaven orb: 0° 44'
North Node trine Imum Coeli orb: 0° 44'
North Node conjunction Vertex orb: 5° 42'
North Node opposition Part of Fortune orb: 1° 10'
South Node trine Black Moon Lilith orb: 1° 9'
South Node opposition White Moon Selena orb: 0° 6'
South Node conjunction Pholus orb: 6° 56'
South Node trine Midheaven orb: 0° 44'
South Node sextile Imum Coeli orb: 0° 44'
South Node opposition Vertex orb: 5° 42'
South Node conjunction Part of Fortune orb: 1° 10'
Black Moon Lilith square Pallas orb: 1° 12'
Black Moon Lilith sextile White Moon Selena orb: 1° 15'
Black Moon Lilith trine Pholus orb: 5° 47'
Black Moon Lilith conjunction Midheaven orb: 1° 53'
Black Moon Lilith opposition Imum Coeli orb: 1° 53'
Black Moon Lilith trine Part of Fortune orb: 0° 1'
Ceres conjunction Juno orb: 7° 35'
Ceres conjunction Vesta orb: 6° 8'
Ceres opposition Pholus orb: 7° 3'
Ceres trine Ascendant orb: 3° 17'
Ceres sextile Descendant orb: 3° 17'
Juno conjunction Vesta orb: 1° 28'
Pallas trine Chiron orb: 1° 51'
Pallas square Midheaven orb: 3° 4'
Pallas square Imum Coeli orb: 3° 4'
White Moon Selena opposition Pholus orb: 7° 2'
White Moon Selena sextile Midheaven orb: 0° 37'
White Moon Selena trine Imum Coeli orb: 0° 37'
White Moon Selena conjunction Vertex orb: 5° 35'
White Moon Selena opposition Part of Fortune orb: 1° 16'
Pholus sextile Ascendant orb: 3° 46'
Pholus trine Descendant orb: 3° 46'
Pholus trine Midheaven orb: 7° 39'
Pholus conjunction Part of Fortune orb: 5° 46'
Ascendant opposition Descendant orb: 0° 0'
Midheaven opposition Imum Coeli orb: 0° 0'
Midheaven sextile Vertex orb: 4° 58'
Midheaven trine Part of Fortune orb: 1° 53'
Imum Coeli trine Vertex orb: 4° 58'
Imum Coeli sextile Part of Fortune orb: 1° 53'
Vertex opposition Part of Fortune orb: 6° 51'

Minor Aspects

Sun quintile Mars orb: 2° 23'
Sun biquintile Jupiter orb: 0° 13'
Sun semisextile Pluto orb: 1° 10'
Sun semisquare Vesta orb: 1° 57'
Sun quincunx Chiron orb: 2° 39'
Moon semisquare Mercury orb: 1° 26'
Moon biquintile Pallas orb: 2° 44'
Moon quintile Pholus orb: 1° 19'
Mercury sesquiquadrate Jupiter orb: 2° 20'
Mercury semisquare Uranus orb: 1° 40'
Mercury quintile North Node orb: 1° 58'
Mercury quintile White Moon Selena orb: 1° 51'
Venus quintile Saturn orb: 1° 42'
Venus quintile Pluto orb: 1° 48'
Venus semisquare Black Moon Lilith orb: 1° 37'
Venus sesquiquadrate Pallas orb: 2° 49'
Venus quincunx Descendant orb: 3° 49'
Venus semisquare Midheaven orb: 0° 15'
Venus sesquiquadrate Imum Coeli orb: 0° 15'
Mars biquintile Jupiter orb: 2° 36'
Mars semisquare Pluto orb: 0° 33'
Mars quintile Black Moon Lilith orb: 0° 23'
Mars semisextile Vesta orb: 1° 20'
Mars biquintile Ascendant orb: 2° 4'
Mars quintile Midheaven orb: 1° 30'
Jupiter semisextile Saturn orb: 0° 52'
Jupiter quincunx North Node orb: 2° 38'
Jupiter biquintile Black Moon Lilith orb: 2° 13'
Jupiter quincunx Black Moon Lilith orb: 3° 47'
Jupiter quincunx White Moon Selena orb: 2° 31'
Jupiter quincunx Midheaven orb: 1° 54'
Jupiter semisextile Imum Coeli orb: 1° 54'
Jupiter biquintile Vertex orb: 2° 56'
Jupiter quincunx Vertex orb: 3° 4'
Saturn quincunx Uranus orb: 1° 31'
Saturn biquintile Pluto orb: 0° 6'
Saturn sesquiquadrate Descendant orb: 2° 32'
Uranus quincunx South Node orb: 3° 17'
Uranus quincunx Imum Coeli orb: 2° 34'
Neptune quintile Juno orb: 1° 53'
Neptune biquintile Descendant orb: 0° 45'
Neptune biquintile Imum Coeli orb: 0° 11'
Pluto biquintile South Node orb: 1° 40'
Pluto quincunx Pholus orb: 2° 36'
Pluto biquintile Part of Fortune orb: 2° 50'
Pluto quincunx Part of Fortune orb: 3° 10'
North Node quincunx Chiron orb: 0° 30'
South Node quincunx Pallas orb: 2° 20'
South Node semisextile Chiron orb: 0° 30'
Black Moon Lilith quincunx Chiron orb: 0° 39'
Black Moon Lilith quintile Ascendant orb: 2° 27'
Ceres semisquare Midheaven orb: 0° 18'
Ceres sesquiquadrate Imum Coeli orb: 0° 18'
Juno quintile Descendant orb: 1° 8'
Juno biquintile Imum Coeli orb: 1° 42'
Pallas biquintile Pholus orb: 1° 25'
Pallas quincunx Part of Fortune orb: 1° 11'
Vesta quintile Descendant orb: 2° 36'
Chiron quincunx White Moon Selena orb: 0° 36'
Chiron quincunx Midheaven orb: 1° 13'
Chiron semisextile Imum Coeli orb: 1° 13'
Chiron biquintile Vertex orb: 0° 11'
Chiron semisextile Part of Fortune orb: 0° 40'
Ascendant quintile Midheaven orb: 0° 34'
Ascendant sesquiquadrate Vertex orb: 1° 24'
Descendant quintile Imum Coeli orb: 0° 34'
Descendant semisquare Vertex orb: 1° 24'

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