Jenna Ortega headshot

Jenna Ortega

Coachella, California, United States
September 27th, 2002

Jenna Ortega's Birth Chart & Zodiac Sign

By Sonya SchwartzLast updated on February 2, 2024
Jenna Ortega headshot
Credit: Stay Tuned
License: cc-by-3.0

Jenna Ortega

Coachella, California, United States
September 27th, 2002
Libra Sun
Gemini Moon
Sagittarius Rising

Jenna Ortega is a rising star in the entertainment industry, known for her captivating performances and versatile acting skills. Born on September 27th, 2002, in Coachella, California, Jenna has quickly made a name for herself in Hollywood. She is best known for her roles in television series and films that showcase her range as an actress. Jenna's personality shines through her work, displaying a blend of intensity, charm, and depth that resonates with audiences worldwide. Her zodiac sign is Libra, which is often associated with balance, beauty, and artistry.

Planet Positions

This section lists the positions of planets at the time of Jenna Ortega's birth. It includes in which signs they were, including the degrees, and in which houses they were. Any sign with an (R) behind it was in retrograde at that time.
Sun in 4° 30' Libra (10th House)
Juno in 8° 13' Libra (10th House)
Mars in 18° 34' Virgo (9th House)
Moon in 12° 24' Gemini (7th House)
Ceres (R) in 12° 22' Aries (4th House)
Pluto in 15° 11' Sagittarius (1st House)
Venus in 12° 38' Scorpio (11th House)
Vesta in 0° 6' Virgo (9th House)
Chiron in 3° 31' Capricorn (1st House)
Pallas (R) in 11° 1' Aquarius (2nd House)
Pholus in 14° 57' Scorpio (11th House)
Saturn in 28° 55' Gemini (7th House)
Uranus (R) in 25° 28' Aquarius (3rd House)
Vertex in 27° 32' Cancer (8th House)
Jupiter in 11° 35' Leo (8th House)
Mercury (R) in 4° 27' Libra (10th House)
Neptune (R) in 8° 20' Aquarius (2nd House)
Ascendant in 11° 2' Sagittarius (1st House)
Midheaven in 24° 43' Virgo (10th House)
Descendant in 11° 2' Gemini (7th House)
Imum Coeli in 24° 43' Pisces (4th House)
North Node in 10° 56' Gemini (6th House)
South Node in 10° 56' Sagittarius (12th House)
Part of Fortune in 18° 56' Leo (8th House)
Black Moon Lilith in 14° 53' Aries (4th House)
White Moon Selena in 23° 5' Aries (4th House)

Overall Chart Impression

Jenna Ortega's birth chart reveals a fascinating blend of creativity, intellect, and emotional depth. With her Sun in Libra in the 10th house, Jenna naturally gravitates towards careers that allow her to express her artistic talents and sense of harmony. This placement also suggests a strong desire for public recognition and success in her chosen field.

The Moon in Gemini in the 7th house highlights her adaptability and communicative skills, making her adept at connecting with others on an emotional level. Jenna's Mercury in Libra, also in the 10th house, further emphasizes her diplomatic and fair-minded approach to communication, which likely contributes to her success in collaborative environments.

Venus in Scorpio in the 11th house adds an intensity and depth to her relationships and artistic expressions. This placement suggests that Jenna is not afraid to explore the darker or more complex aspects of life through her work.

The presence of Mars in Virgo in the 9th house indicates a meticulous and hardworking nature, with a focus on perfection and detail in her craft. Jenna's chart also features a Grand Trine involving the Sun, Moon, and Neptune, which enhances her intuitive and creative abilities, making her particularly sensitive to the nuances of her environment and the emotions of those around her.

Sun, Moon, and Rising Signs

Jenna's Sun in Libra gives her a natural inclination towards harmony, beauty, and collaboration. Libras are known for their diplomatic nature and a strong sense of justice, which can be seen in Jenna's choice of roles that often explore complex social themes.

Her Moon in Gemini provides her with quick wit and a versatile emotional landscape. This placement makes her adaptable and capable of easily connecting with a diverse range of people, a trait that is invaluable in her acting career.

With her Rising sign in Sagittarius, Jenna possesses a natural enthusiasm and optimism that is infectious. This sign is known for its love of adventure and exploration, which may drive Jenna to seek out roles that challenge her and allow her to explore different facets of human experience.

Personality Through The Lens Of Astrology

Jenna Ortega's birth chart offers a rich tapestry of influences that shape her personality and career. Here, we explore how specific astrological placements have manifested in her life and work.

1. Artistic Expression

Venus in Scorpio in the 11th house lends Jenna a powerful and intense approach to her artistic expression. This placement suggests a deep connection to her work and a desire to explore themes of transformation and intensity. Her performances often convey a depth of emotion and complexity, resonating with audiences on a profound level.

2. Communication Skills

With her Moon in Gemini and Mercury in Libra, Jenna is gifted with exceptional communication skills. This combination allows her to articulate her thoughts and emotions clearly, making her a compelling storyteller both on and off the screen. Her ability to connect with others through her words and performances is a testament to these placements.

3. Work Ethic

Mars in Virgo in the 9th house highlights Jenna's meticulous approach to her craft. She is known for her dedication and attention to detail, often going above and beyond to perfect her performances. This placement suggests a strong work ethic and a commitment to excellence, traits that have undoubtedly contributed to her success in the competitive world of acting.

4. Adaptability

The Moon in Gemini in the 7th house bestows Jenna with remarkable adaptability. This placement enables her to easily adjust to new situations and challenges, making her well-suited for the ever-changing landscape of the entertainment industry. Her ability to embrace change and navigate complex emotional terrains is a key factor in her rising career.

Chart Patterns

This section provides an overview of Jenna Ortega's chart patterns identified in their natal chart, ranging from Grand Trines, Yods, T-Squares, Kites, Mystic Rectangles, Thors Hammers, and many other relevant patterns.

T Square (4 Detected)

Moon in 12° 24' Gemini
Pluto in 15° 11' Sagittarius
Mars in 18° 34' Virgo
Jupiter in 11° 35' Leo
Neptune in 8° 20' Aquarius
Venus in 12° 38' Scorpio
Saturn in 28° 55' Gemini
Chiron in 3° 31' Capricorn
Sun in 4° 30' Libra
Saturn in 28° 55' Gemini
Chiron in 3° 31' Capricorn
Mercury in 4° 27' Libra

Golden Yod (1 Detected)

Mercury in 4° 27' Libra
Pluto in 15° 11' Sagittarius
Uranus in 25° 28' Aquarius

Grand Trine (2 Detected)

Sun in 4° 30' Libra
Moon in 12° 24' Gemini
Neptune in 8° 20' Aquarius
Moon in 12° 24' Gemini
Mercury in 4° 27' Libra
Neptune in 8° 20' Aquarius

Planet Aspects

This section provides an overview of each of the aspects found in Jenna Ortega's chart. It includes the major aspects as well as the minor aspects between all planets, asteroids, and other important points in their natal chart.

Major Aspects

Sun trine Moon orb: 7° 54'
Sun conjunction Mercury orb: 0° 3'
Sun square Saturn orb: 5° 35'
Sun trine Neptune orb: 3° 51'
Sun trine North Node orb: 6° 26'
Sun opposition Ceres orb: 7° 53'
Sun conjunction Juno orb: 3° 44'
Sun trine Pallas orb: 6° 31'
Sun square Chiron orb: 0° 59'
Sun trine Descendant orb: 6° 32'
Moon trine Mercury orb: 7° 57'
Moon square Mars orb: 6° 10'
Moon sextile Jupiter orb: 0° 49'
Moon trine Neptune orb: 4° 4'
Moon opposition Pluto orb: 2° 47'
Moon conjunction North Node orb: 1° 28'
Moon opposition South Node orb: 1° 28'
Moon sextile Black Moon Lilith orb: 2° 30'
Moon sextile Ceres orb: 0° 1'
Moon trine Juno orb: 4° 10'
Moon trine Pallas orb: 1° 23'
Moon opposition Ascendant orb: 1° 22'
Moon conjunction Descendant orb: 1° 22'
Mercury square Saturn orb: 5° 32'
Mercury trine Neptune orb: 3° 53'
Mercury trine North Node orb: 6° 28'
Mercury opposition Ceres orb: 7° 55'
Mercury conjunction Juno orb: 3° 46'
Mercury trine Pallas orb: 6° 34'
Mercury square Chiron orb: 0° 56'
Mercury trine Descendant orb: 6° 34'
Venus sextile Mars orb: 5° 56'
Venus square Jupiter orb: 1° 3'
Venus square Neptune orb: 4° 17'
Venus square Pallas orb: 1° 37'
Venus conjunction Pholus orb: 2° 19'
Venus square Part of Fortune orb: 6° 18'
Mars square Pluto orb: 3° 23'
Mars square North Node orb: 7° 38'
Mars square South Node orb: 7° 38'
Mars sextile Pholus orb: 3° 37'
Mars square Ascendant orb: 7° 32'
Mars square Descendant orb: 7° 32'
Mars conjunction Midheaven orb: 6° 9'
Mars opposition Imum Coeli orb: 6° 9'
Jupiter opposition Neptune orb: 3° 15'
Jupiter trine Pluto orb: 3° 36'
Jupiter sextile North Node orb: 0° 39'
Jupiter trine South Node orb: 0° 39'
Jupiter trine Black Moon Lilith orb: 3° 19'
Jupiter trine Ceres orb: 0° 48'
Jupiter sextile Juno orb: 3° 21'
Jupiter opposition Pallas orb: 0° 34'
Jupiter square Pholus orb: 3° 22'
Jupiter trine Ascendant orb: 0° 33'
Jupiter sextile Descendant orb: 0° 33'
Jupiter conjunction Part of Fortune orb: 7° 21'
Saturn trine Uranus orb: 3° 27'
Saturn sextile Vesta orb: 1° 12'
Saturn opposition Chiron orb: 4° 36'
Saturn sextile White Moon Selena orb: 5° 50'
Saturn square Midheaven orb: 4° 12'
Saturn square Imum Coeli orb: 4° 12'
Uranus opposition Vesta orb: 4° 38'
Uranus sextile White Moon Selena orb: 2° 23'
Uranus opposition Part of Fortune orb: 6° 32'
Neptune trine North Node orb: 2° 35'
Neptune sextile South Node orb: 2° 35'
Neptune sextile Ceres orb: 4° 2'
Neptune trine Juno orb: 0° 7'
Neptune conjunction Pallas orb: 2° 41'
Neptune square Pholus orb: 6° 37'
Neptune sextile Ascendant orb: 2° 41'
Neptune trine Descendant orb: 2° 41'
Pluto opposition North Node orb: 4° 16'
Pluto conjunction South Node orb: 4° 16'
Pluto trine Black Moon Lilith orb: 0° 18'
Pluto trine Ceres orb: 2° 49'
Pluto sextile Pallas orb: 4° 10'
Pluto trine White Moon Selena orb: 7° 54'
Pluto conjunction Ascendant orb: 4° 10'
Pluto opposition Descendant orb: 4° 10'
Pluto trine Part of Fortune orb: 3° 45'
North Node opposition South Node orb: 0° 0'
North Node sextile Black Moon Lilith orb: 3° 58'
North Node sextile Ceres orb: 1° 27'
North Node trine Juno orb: 2° 42'
North Node trine Pallas orb: 0° 5'
North Node opposition Ascendant orb: 0° 6'
North Node conjunction Descendant orb: 0° 6'
South Node trine Black Moon Lilith orb: 3° 58'
South Node trine Ceres orb: 1° 27'
South Node sextile Juno orb: 2° 42'
South Node sextile Pallas orb: 0° 5'
South Node conjunction Ascendant orb: 0° 6'
South Node opposition Descendant orb: 0° 6'
Black Moon Lilith conjunction Ceres orb: 2° 31'
Black Moon Lilith opposition Juno orb: 6° 40'
Black Moon Lilith sextile Pallas orb: 3° 52'
Black Moon Lilith trine Ascendant orb: 3° 52'
Black Moon Lilith sextile Descendant orb: 3° 52'
Black Moon Lilith trine Part of Fortune orb: 4° 2'
Ceres opposition Juno orb: 4° 9'
Ceres sextile Pallas orb: 1° 21'
Ceres trine Ascendant orb: 1° 21'
Ceres sextile Descendant orb: 1° 21'
Ceres trine Part of Fortune orb: 6° 33'
Juno trine Pallas orb: 2° 47'
Juno square Chiron orb: 4° 43'
Juno sextile Ascendant orb: 2° 48'
Juno trine Descendant orb: 2° 48'
Pallas square Pholus orb: 3° 56'
Pallas sextile Ascendant orb: 0° 1'
Pallas trine Descendant orb: 0° 1'
Pallas opposition Part of Fortune orb: 7° 55'
Vesta trine Chiron orb: 3° 24'
Vesta trine White Moon Selena orb: 7° 2'
White Moon Selena square Vertex orb: 4° 27'
White Moon Selena trine Part of Fortune orb: 4° 9'
Pholus square Part of Fortune orb: 3° 59'
Ascendant opposition Descendant orb: 0° 0'
Ascendant trine Part of Fortune orb: 7° 54'
Midheaven opposition Imum Coeli orb: 0° 0'
Midheaven sextile Vertex orb: 2° 49'
Imum Coeli trine Vertex orb: 2° 49'

Minor Aspects

Sun quintile Pluto orb: 1° 18'
Sun semisquare Part of Fortune orb: 0° 34'
Moon quincunx Venus orb: 0° 14'
Moon quincunx Pholus orb: 2° 33'
Moon semisquare Vertex orb: 0° 8'
Mercury biquintile Uranus orb: 2° 59'
Mercury quintile Pluto orb: 1° 16'
Mercury semisquare Part of Fortune orb: 0° 31'
Venus sesquiquadrate Saturn orb: 1° 17'
Venus quincunx North Node orb: 1° 42'
Venus semisextile South Node orb: 1° 42'
Venus quincunx Black Moon Lilith orb: 2° 16'
Venus quincunx Ceres orb: 0° 15'
Venus quintile Vesta orb: 0° 31'
Venus semisextile Ascendant orb: 1° 36'
Venus quincunx Descendant orb: 1° 36'
Venus sesquiquadrate Imum Coeli orb: 2° 54'
Mars quincunx Black Moon Lilith orb: 3° 41'
Mars biquintile Pallas orb: 1° 33'
Mars biquintile White Moon Selena orb: 1° 29'
Mars semisextile Part of Fortune orb: 0° 22'
Jupiter biquintile Chiron orb: 2° 4'
Jupiter semisquare Midheaven orb: 1° 52'
Jupiter sesquiquadrate Imum Coeli orb: 1° 52'
Saturn quintile Black Moon Lilith orb: 2° 1'
Saturn sesquiquadrate Pallas orb: 2° 54'
Saturn sesquiquadrate Pholus orb: 1° 2'
Saturn semisextile Vertex orb: 1° 23'
Uranus quintile Pluto orb: 1° 43'
Uranus quintile South Node orb: 2° 32'
Uranus semisquare Ceres orb: 1° 55'
Uranus sesquiquadrate Juno orb: 2° 14'
Uranus quintile Ascendant orb: 2° 26'
Uranus quincunx Midheaven orb: 0° 45'
Uranus semisextile Imum Coeli orb: 0° 45'
Uranus quincunx Vertex orb: 2° 4'
Neptune quintile White Moon Selena orb: 2° 45'
Neptune sesquiquadrate Midheaven orb: 1° 23'
Neptune semisquare Imum Coeli orb: 1° 23'
Pluto semisextile Pholus orb: 0° 14'
Pluto sesquiquadrate Vertex orb: 2° 39'
North Node semisquare Vertex orb: 1° 36'
South Node sesquiquadrate White Moon Selena orb: 2° 51'
South Node sesquiquadrate Vertex orb: 1° 36'
Black Moon Lilith sesquiquadrate Vesta orb: 0° 13'
Black Moon Lilith quincunx Pholus orb: 0° 4'
Ceres sesquiquadrate Vesta orb: 2° 44'
Ceres quincunx Pholus orb: 2° 35'
Juno quintile Vertex orb: 1° 19'
Pallas quintile White Moon Selena orb: 0° 4'
Pallas sesquiquadrate Midheaven orb: 1° 18'
Pallas semisquare Imum Coeli orb: 1° 18'
Vesta quintile Pholus orb: 2° 51'
Chiron sesquiquadrate Part of Fortune orb: 0° 25'
White Moon Selena sesquiquadrate Ascendant orb: 2° 57'
White Moon Selena quincunx Midheaven orb: 1° 38'
White Moon Selena semisextile Imum Coeli orb: 1° 38'
Pholus quincunx Descendant orb: 3° 55'
Ascendant sesquiquadrate Vertex orb: 1° 30'
Descendant semisquare Vertex orb: 1° 30'
Imum Coeli biquintile Part of Fortune orb: 0° 13'

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