A$AP Rocky headshot

A$AP Rocky

New York City, New York, United States
October 3rd, 1988

A$AP Rocky's Birth Chart & Zodiac Sign

By Sonya SchwartzLast updated on February 3, 2024
A$AP Rocky headshot
Credit: The Come Up Show
License: cc-by-2.0

A$AP Rocky

New York City, New York, United States
October 3rd, 1988
Libra Sun
Cancer Moon
Sagittarius Rising

A$AP Rocky, born Rakim Athelaston Mayers, is a prominent figure in the music industry, known for his unique style and contributions to the hip-hop genre. Born on October 3rd, 1988, in New York City, New York, Rocky rose to fame as a member of the hip-hop collective A$AP Mob. His debut mixtape, 'Live. Love. A$AP', garnered critical acclaim, paving the way for his successful solo career. Rocky's music is not just about beats and rhymes; it's a blend of fashion, culture, and his personal experiences, making him a multifaceted artist and a style icon. His zodiac sign is Libra, which is often associated with a strong sense of aesthetics, balance, and harmony.

Planet Positions

This section lists the positions of planets at the time of A$AP Rocky's birth. It includes in which signs they were, including the degrees, and in which houses they were. Any sign with an (R) behind it was in retrograde at that time.
Sun in 10° 39' Libra (10th House)
Juno in 15° 34' Leo (8th House)
Mars (R) in 3° 38' Aries (4th House)
Moon in 21° 37' Cancer (8th House)
Ceres (R) in 20° 58' Pisces (3rd House)
Pluto in 11° 16' Scorpio (11th House)
Venus in 28° 59' Leo (9th House)
Vesta in 10° 5' Libra (10th House)
Chiron in 7° 4' Cancer (7th House)
Pallas in 1° 41' Aquarius (2nd House)
Pholus (R) in 14° 9' Gemini (7th House)
Saturn in 26° 52' Sagittarius (1st House)
Uranus in 27° 23' Sagittarius (1st House)
Vertex in 23° 44' Cancer (8th House)
Jupiter (R) in 5° 60' Gemini (6th House)
Mercury (R) in 25° 40' Libra (10th House)
Neptune in 7° 29' Capricorn (1st House)
Ascendant in 9° 56' Sagittarius (1st House)
Midheaven in 28° 26' Virgo (10th House)
Descendant in 9° 56' Gemini (7th House)
Imum Coeli in 28° 26' Pisces (4th House)
North Node in 13° 50' Pisces (3rd House)
South Node in 13° 50' Virgo (9th House)
Part of Fortune in 20° 54' Virgo (9th House)
Black Moon Lilith in 15° 50' Virgo (9th House)
White Moon Selena in 23° 53' Aries (4th House)

Overall Chart Impression

A$AP Rocky's birth chart reveals a complex individual with a rich inner world and a dynamic personality. The Sun in Libra in the 10th house highlights his natural inclination towards harmony, beauty, and balance, which is evident in his music and fashion sense. This placement also suggests a strong career focus and a desire to be recognized for his contributions to the arts.

The Moon in Cancer in the 8th house adds depth to his emotional landscape, indicating a sensitive and intuitive nature. This placement points to an individual who values emotional security and has a strong connection to his roots and family.

Mercury in Libra, also in the 10th house, retrograde, enhances his communicative abilities, especially in artistic and creative expressions, but may also indicate periods of introspection and reevaluation of his ideas and plans.

Venus in Leo in the 9th house reflects his charismatic and dramatic flair, as well as a love for adventure and exploration, both in his personal life and artistic endeavors.

The presence of Mars and Jupiter in retrograde suggests a person who is driven to expand and assert himself, but these energies are turned inward, leading to self-reflection and personal growth.

Overall, Rocky's chart is a testament to his artistic talents, emotional depth, and the continuous journey towards self-discovery and expression.

Sun, Moon, and Rising Signs

A$AP Rocky's Sun in Libra makes him naturally inclined towards harmony, beauty, and partnerships. Libras are known for their diplomatic nature and a strong sense of justice, which can be seen in Rocky's approach to his music and public persona.

His Moon in Cancer adds a layer of emotional depth and sensitivity. Cancer Moons are deeply connected to their roots and family, valuing emotional security above all. This placement suggests that behind his public image lies a caring and protective individual.

With a Rising sign in Sagittarius, Rocky presents himself as adventurous, optimistic, and always in search of truth and knowledge. This sign governs his approach to life, making him open-minded and philosophically inclined, always looking to expand his horizons.

Personality Through The Lens Of Astrology

A$AP Rocky's birth chart offers a fascinating insight into the astrological influences that shape his personality and life. Here, we explore how these celestial factors manifest in his character and experiences.

1. Artistic Expression

Sun in Libra and Mercury in Libra in the 10th house strongly influence Rocky's artistic expression. Libras have an innate appreciation for beauty and harmony, which is evident in Rocky's music and fashion choices. His ability to communicate (Mercury) his unique aesthetic and vision through his art is a testament to these placements. Rocky's style is not just about music; it's a blend of visual, lyrical, and sartorial elements that create a harmonious whole.

2. Emotional Depth

The Moon in Cancer in the 8th house reveals the depth of Rocky's emotional world. This placement suggests a sensitive and intuitive nature, with a strong attachment to the past and family. It's this emotional depth that allows Rocky to connect with his audience on a more personal level, infusing his music with genuine feelings and experiences.

3. Adventurous Spirit

Rocky's Rising sign in Sagittarius and Venus in Leo in the 9th house contribute to his adventurous and explorative spirit. Sagittarius Rising individuals are known for their love of travel, philosophy, and exploration, while Venus in Leo adds a flair for drama and a love for the spotlight. This combination fuels Rocky's creative endeavors and his willingness to take risks, both in his personal life and professional projects.

4. Self-Reflection and Growth

Mars and Jupiter in retrograde suggest a tendency towards introspection and personal growth. These placements indicate that Rocky is not just focused on external achievements but is also deeply committed to understanding himself and evolving as a person. This introspective nature is a driving force behind his artistic innovation and personal development.

Chart Patterns

This section provides an overview of A$AP Rocky's chart patterns identified in their natal chart, ranging from Grand Trines, Yods, T-Squares, Kites, Mystic Rectangles, Thors Hammers, and many other relevant patterns.

T Square (4 Detected)

Sun in 10° 39' Libra
Mars in 3° 38' Aries
Neptune in 7° 29' Capricorn
Sun in 10° 39' Libra
Mars in 3° 38' Aries
Chiron in 7° 4' Cancer
Neptune in 7° 29' Capricorn
Chiron in 7° 4' Cancer
Sun in 10° 39' Libra
Neptune in 7° 29' Capricorn
Chiron in 7° 4' Cancer
Mars in 3° 38' Aries

Grand Cross (2 Detected)

Sun in 10° 39' Libra
Mars in 3° 38' Aries
Neptune in 7° 29' Capricorn
Chiron in 7° 4' Cancer
Neptune in 7° 29' Capricorn
Chiron in 7° 4' Cancer
Sun in 10° 39' Libra
Mars in 3° 38' Aries

Planet Aspects

This section provides an overview of each of the aspects found in A$AP Rocky's chart. It includes the major aspects as well as the minor aspects between all planets, asteroids, and other important points in their natal chart.

Major Aspects

Sun opposition Mars orb: 7° 1'
Sun trine Jupiter orb: 4° 40'
Sun square Neptune orb: 3° 10'
Sun sextile Juno orb: 4° 55'
Sun conjunction Vesta orb: 0° 34'
Sun square Chiron orb: 3° 36'
Sun trine Pholus orb: 3° 30'
Sun sextile Ascendant orb: 0° 44'
Sun trine Descendant orb: 0° 44'
Moon square Mercury orb: 4° 3'
Moon trine North Node orb: 7° 47'
Moon sextile Black Moon Lilith orb: 5° 48'
Moon trine Ceres orb: 0° 39'
Moon square White Moon Selena orb: 2° 16'
Moon trine Imum Coeli orb: 6° 49'
Moon conjunction Vertex orb: 2° 6'
Moon sextile Part of Fortune orb: 0° 44'
Mercury sextile Venus orb: 3° 19'
Mercury sextile Saturn orb: 1° 12'
Mercury sextile Uranus orb: 1° 43'
Mercury square Pallas orb: 6° 1'
Mercury opposition White Moon Selena orb: 1° 47'
Mercury square Vertex orb: 1° 57'
Venus square Jupiter orb: 7° 1'
Venus trine Saturn orb: 2° 7'
Venus trine Uranus orb: 1° 36'
Venus trine White Moon Selena orb: 5° 6'
Mars sextile Jupiter orb: 2° 21'
Mars square Saturn orb: 6° 46'
Mars square Uranus orb: 6° 15'
Mars square Neptune orb: 3° 50'
Mars sextile Pallas orb: 1° 57'
Mars opposition Vesta orb: 6° 27'
Mars square Chiron orb: 3° 25'
Mars trine Ascendant orb: 6° 17'
Mars opposition Midheaven orb: 5° 12'
Mars conjunction Imum Coeli orb: 5° 12'
Jupiter square North Node orb: 7° 50'
Jupiter square South Node orb: 7° 50'
Jupiter trine Pallas orb: 4° 18'
Jupiter trine Vesta orb: 4° 5'
Jupiter opposition Ascendant orb: 3° 56'
Jupiter conjunction Descendant orb: 3° 56'
Jupiter trine Midheaven orb: 7° 33'
Saturn conjunction Uranus orb: 0° 31'
Saturn square Ceres orb: 5° 54'
Saturn trine White Moon Selena orb: 2° 59'
Saturn square Midheaven orb: 1° 34'
Saturn square Imum Coeli orb: 1° 34'
Saturn square Part of Fortune orb: 5° 59'
Uranus square Ceres orb: 6° 25'
Uranus trine White Moon Selena orb: 3° 30'
Uranus square Midheaven orb: 1° 3'
Uranus square Imum Coeli orb: 1° 3'
Uranus square Part of Fortune orb: 6° 30'
Neptune sextile Pluto orb: 3° 47'
Neptune trine South Node orb: 6° 21'
Neptune square Vesta orb: 2° 36'
Neptune opposition Chiron orb: 0° 25'
Pluto trine North Node orb: 2° 34'
Pluto sextile South Node orb: 2° 34'
Pluto sextile Black Moon Lilith orb: 4° 34'
Pluto square Juno orb: 4° 18'
Pluto trine Chiron orb: 4° 12'
North Node opposition South Node orb: 0° 0'
North Node opposition Black Moon Lilith orb: 1° 60'
North Node conjunction Ceres orb: 7° 8'
North Node trine Chiron orb: 6° 46'
North Node square Pholus orb: 0° 19'
North Node square Ascendant orb: 3° 54'
North Node square Descendant orb: 3° 54'
North Node opposition Part of Fortune orb: 7° 4'
South Node conjunction Black Moon Lilith orb: 1° 60'
South Node opposition Ceres orb: 7° 8'
South Node square Pholus orb: 0° 19'
South Node square Ascendant orb: 3° 54'
South Node square Descendant orb: 3° 54'
South Node conjunction Part of Fortune orb: 7° 4'
Black Moon Lilith opposition Ceres orb: 5° 8'
Black Moon Lilith square Pholus orb: 1° 40'
Black Moon Lilith square Ascendant orb: 5° 54'
Black Moon Lilith square Descendant orb: 5° 54'
Black Moon Lilith conjunction Part of Fortune orb: 5° 4'
Ceres square Pholus orb: 6° 49'
Ceres opposition Midheaven orb: 7° 28'
Ceres conjunction Imum Coeli orb: 7° 28'
Ceres trine Vertex orb: 2° 46'
Ceres opposition Part of Fortune orb: 0° 4'
Juno sextile Vesta orb: 5° 29'
Juno sextile Pholus orb: 1° 25'
Juno trine Ascendant orb: 5° 38'
Juno sextile Descendant orb: 5° 38'
Pallas square White Moon Selena orb: 7° 48'
Pallas trine Midheaven orb: 3° 15'
Pallas sextile Imum Coeli orb: 3° 15'
Pallas opposition Vertex orb: 7° 58'
Vesta square Chiron orb: 3° 1'
Vesta trine Pholus orb: 4° 4'
Vesta sextile Ascendant orb: 0° 9'
Vesta trine Descendant orb: 0° 9'
White Moon Selena square Vertex orb: 0° 10'
Pholus opposition Ascendant orb: 4° 13'
Pholus conjunction Descendant orb: 4° 13'
Pholus square Part of Fortune orb: 6° 44'
Ascendant opposition Descendant orb: 0° 0'
Midheaven opposition Imum Coeli orb: 0° 0'
Midheaven sextile Vertex orb: 4° 43'
Midheaven conjunction Part of Fortune orb: 7° 33'
Imum Coeli trine Vertex orb: 4° 43'
Imum Coeli opposition Part of Fortune orb: 7° 33'
Vertex sextile Part of Fortune orb: 2° 50'

Minor Aspects

Sun semisextile Pluto orb: 0° 36'
Sun quincunx North Node orb: 3° 10'
Moon semisquare Jupiter orb: 0° 38'
Mercury quintile Neptune orb: 0° 12'
Mercury biquintile Ceres orb: 1° 17'
Mercury quintile Juno orb: 1° 54'
Mercury semisquare Ascendant orb: 0° 45'
Mercury sesquiquadrate Descendant orb: 0° 45'
Mercury quincunx Imum Coeli orb: 2° 46'
Venus biquintile Mars orb: 1° 20'
Venus quintile Pluto orb: 0° 17'
Venus quincunx Pallas orb: 2° 42'
Venus quintile Pholus orb: 2° 50'
Venus semisextile Midheaven orb: 0° 33'
Venus quincunx Imum Coeli orb: 0° 33'
Mars biquintile Pluto orb: 1° 37'
Mars quintile Pholus orb: 1° 29'
Jupiter quincunx Neptune orb: 1° 29'
Jupiter quintile Juno orb: 2° 25'
Jupiter semisextile Chiron orb: 1° 4'
Saturn semisquare Pluto orb: 0° 37'
Saturn quincunx Vertex orb: 3° 9'
Uranus semisquare Pluto orb: 1° 7'
Uranus quincunx Vertex orb: 3° 39'
Neptune quintile Ceres orb: 1° 29'
Neptune biquintile Juno orb: 2° 5'
Neptune quincunx Descendant orb: 2° 27'
Pluto semisextile Vesta orb: 1° 11'
Pluto quincunx Pholus orb: 2° 53'
Pluto semisextile Ascendant orb: 1° 20'
Pluto quincunx Descendant orb: 1° 20'
Pluto sesquiquadrate Imum Coeli orb: 2° 11'
North Node quincunx Juno orb: 1° 44'
North Node quincunx Vesta orb: 3° 45'
South Node semisextile Juno orb: 1° 44'
South Node sesquiquadrate Pallas orb: 2° 51'
Black Moon Lilith semisextile Juno orb: 0° 15'
Black Moon Lilith sesquiquadrate Pallas orb: 0° 52'
Black Moon Lilith biquintile White Moon Selena orb: 2° 4'
Ceres biquintile Juno orb: 0° 36'
Juno sesquiquadrate Imum Coeli orb: 2° 8'
Pallas sesquiquadrate Pholus orb: 2° 32'
Chiron quintile White Moon Selena orb: 1° 10'
Chiron quincunx Ascendant orb: 2° 52'
Chiron quintile Part of Fortune orb: 1° 50'
White Moon Selena sesquiquadrate Ascendant orb: 1° 2'
White Moon Selena semisquare Descendant orb: 1° 2'
White Moon Selena quincunx Part of Fortune orb: 2° 60'
Ascendant quintile Midheaven orb: 0° 31'
Ascendant sesquiquadrate Vertex orb: 1° 12'
Descendant quintile Imum Coeli orb: 0° 31'
Descendant semisquare Vertex orb: 1° 12'

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