21 Savage headshot

21 Savage

Atlanta, Georgia, United States
October 22nd, 1992

21 Savage's Birth Chart & Zodiac Sign

By Sonya SchwartzLast updated on February 3, 2024
21 Savage headshot
Credit: Ralph Arvesen
License: cc-by-2.0

21 Savage

Atlanta, Georgia, United States
October 22nd, 1992
Libra Sun
Virgo Moon
Sagittarius Rising

21 Savage, born on October 22nd, 1992, in Atlanta, Georgia, United States, is a renowned rapper, songwriter, and record producer. Known for his introspective lyrics and contributions to the trap music genre, 21 Savage has made a significant impact on the hip-hop scene. His music often explores themes of violence, poverty, and the realities of street life, drawing from his own experiences. With a zodiac sign of Libra, 21 Savage exhibits the balance, charm, and social awareness often associated with this sign, alongside a deep and sometimes introspective personality.

Planet Positions

This section lists the positions of planets at the time of 21 Savage's birth. It includes in which signs they were, including the degrees, and in which houses they were. Any sign with an (R) behind it was in retrograde at that time.
Sun in 29° 30' Libra (10th House)
Juno in 9° 37' Cancer (7th House)
Mars in 19° 43' Cancer (7th House)
Moon in 16° 8' Virgo (9th House)
Ceres in 29° 58' Capricorn (2nd House)
Pluto in 21° 57' Scorpio (11th House)
Venus in 3° 33' Sagittarius (12th House)
Vesta in 19° 30' Scorpio (11th House)
Chiron in 21° 50' Leo (8th House)
Pallas in 1° 42' Capricorn (1st House)
Pholus in 17° 49' Leo (8th House)
Saturn in 11° 51' Aquarius (2nd House)
Uranus in 14° 25' Capricorn (1st House)
Vertex in 5° 26' Leo (8th House)
Jupiter in 2° 31' Libra (9th House)
Mercury in 21° 33' Scorpio (11th House)
Neptune in 16° 21' Capricorn (1st House)
Ascendant in 21° 8' Sagittarius (1st House)
Midheaven in 7° 34' Libra (10th House)
Descendant in 21° 8' Gemini (7th House)
Imum Coeli in 7° 34' Aries (4th House)
North Node (R) in 22° 59' Sagittarius (1st House)
South Node (R) in 22° 59' Gemini (7th House)
Part of Fortune in 7° 46' Scorpio (11th House)
Black Moon Lilith in 0° 38' Pisces (2nd House)
White Moon Selena in 22° 18' Scorpio (11th House)

Overall Chart Impression

21 Savage's birth chart reveals a complex individual with a powerful blend of Libra and Scorpio energies, marked by significant placements in these signs. The Sun in Libra in the 10th house highlights his public image and career, suggesting a natural inclination towards harmony, justice, and partnership in his professional life. However, the presence of Mercury, Pluto, and the White Moon Selena in Scorpio in the 11th house injects a deep, intense, and transformative energy into his communication style and his approach to friendships and goals.

The Moon in Virgo in the 9th house reflects a meticulous, analytical, and somewhat critical inner world, with a strong desire for knowledge and understanding. This placement also suggests an emotional need for order and efficiency, particularly in his beliefs and philosophies.

Mars in Cancer in the 7th house indicates a protective and emotionally driven approach to actions and desires, especially in close relationships. This placement can also point to a strong attachment to home and family values.

The chart is further enriched by two cradle patterns involving Mars, Mercury, Moon, Neptune, and Pluto, highlighting a dynamic interplay between his assertive energy, communicative prowess, emotional depth, and transformative potential. These patterns underscore a life path marked by significant personal growth, emotional resilience, and the ability to communicate profound truths.

Sun, Moon, and Rising Signs

With the Sun in Libra, 21 Savage embodies the Libran qualities of charm, fairness, and a strong sense of justice. This placement in the 10th house further emphasizes his public image and career, suggesting a natural inclination towards creating harmony and balance in his professional life.

The Moon in Virgo in the 9th house reflects a meticulous, analytical, and somewhat critical inner world. This placement suggests an emotional need for order, efficiency, and a deep desire for knowledge and understanding, influencing his approach to life's philosophical questions.

The Ascendant in Sagittarius brings an adventurous, optimistic, and freedom-loving energy to his personality. This rising sign suggests a natural explorer, someone who is not afraid to take risks and who values personal freedom and growth. Together, these three key placements offer a glimpse into the complex interplay of balance, analysis, and exploration that defines 21 Savage's character.

Personality Through The Lens Of Astrology

21 Savage's birth chart offers a fascinating window into the astrological influences that shape his personality and life experiences. Here, we explore how specific traits and events in his life can be understood through the lens of astrology.

1. Artistic Expression

Mercury in Scorpio in the 11th house bestows 21 Savage with a deep, intense, and transformative communication style. This placement, combined with his Sun in Libra, allows him to articulate the complexities of life and relationships through his music, resonating with a wide audience. His lyrics often explore themes of hardship, survival, and the quest for justice, reflecting his personal experiences and societal observations.

2. Emotional Depth

The Moon in Virgo in the 9th house, coupled with Mars in Cancer in the 7th house, reveals a person with a profound emotional depth and a protective nature, especially towards loved ones. This configuration suggests that 21 Savage processes his emotions analytically but feels them deeply, often reflecting on his experiences and relationships with a critical eye. His music's emotional rawness and vulnerability can be attributed to this complex emotional landscape.

3. Resilience and Transformation

Pluto in Scorpio in the 11th house, closely conjunct Mercury, signifies a powerful capacity for transformation and resilience. This placement indicates an individual who has faced significant challenges and has the strength to overcome them, often emerging stronger. 21 Savage's journey from a troubled youth to a successful artist is a testament to this transformative energy, showcasing his ability to turn adversity into a source of empowerment.

4. Social Awareness

With his Sun in Libra in the 10th house, 21 Savage is naturally inclined towards justice and equality, often using his platform to address social issues. This placement highlights his ability to see multiple sides of an issue and to advocate for fairness and balance, both in his music and his public statements. His Libran energy drives him to seek harmony in a world of discord, making him a voice for change.

Chart Patterns

This section provides an overview of 21 Savage's chart patterns identified in their natal chart, ranging from Grand Trines, Yods, T-Squares, Kites, Mystic Rectangles, Thors Hammers, and many other relevant patterns.

Cradle (2 Detected)

Mars in 19° 43' Cancer
Mercury in 21° 33' Scorpio
Moon in 16° 8' Virgo
Neptune in 16° 21' Capricorn
Mars in 19° 43' Cancer
Moon in 16° 8' Virgo
Neptune in 16° 21' Capricorn
Pluto in 21° 57' Scorpio

Planet Aspects

This section provides an overview of each of the aspects found in 21 Savage's chart. It includes the major aspects as well as the minor aspects between all planets, asteroids, and other important points in their natal chart.

Major Aspects

Sun trine South Node orb: 6° 31'
Sun trine Black Moon Lilith orb: 1° 8'
Sun square Ceres orb: 0° 28'
Sun sextile Pallas orb: 2° 12'
Sun square Vertex orb: 5° 56'
Moon sextile Mercury orb: 5° 25'
Moon sextile Mars orb: 3° 34'
Moon trine Uranus orb: 1° 43'
Moon trine Neptune orb: 0° 13'
Moon sextile Pluto orb: 5° 49'
Moon square North Node orb: 6° 51'
Moon square South Node orb: 6° 51'
Moon sextile Vesta orb: 3° 22'
Moon square Ascendant orb: 4° 60'
Moon square Descendant orb: 4° 60'
Mercury trine Mars orb: 1° 51'
Mercury sextile Neptune orb: 5° 12'
Mercury conjunction Pluto orb: 0° 24'
Mercury conjunction Vesta orb: 2° 3'
Mercury square Chiron orb: 0° 17'
Mercury conjunction White Moon Selena orb: 0° 45'
Mercury square Pholus orb: 3° 44'
Venus sextile Jupiter orb: 1° 2'
Venus square Black Moon Lilith orb: 2° 55'
Venus sextile Ceres orb: 3° 36'
Venus sextile Midheaven orb: 4° 0'
Venus trine Imum Coeli orb: 4° 0'
Venus trine Vertex orb: 1° 53'
Mars opposition Uranus orb: 5° 18'
Mars opposition Neptune orb: 3° 21'
Mars trine Pluto orb: 2° 14'
Mars trine Vesta orb: 0° 12'
Mars trine White Moon Selena orb: 2° 36'
Jupiter trine Ceres orb: 2° 33'
Jupiter square Juno orb: 7° 6'
Jupiter square Pallas orb: 0° 49'
Jupiter conjunction Midheaven orb: 5° 3'
Jupiter opposition Imum Coeli orb: 5° 3'
Jupiter sextile Vertex orb: 2° 55'
Saturn square Vesta orb: 7° 39'
Saturn opposition Pholus orb: 5° 58'
Saturn trine Midheaven orb: 4° 18'
Saturn sextile Imum Coeli orb: 4° 18'
Saturn opposition Vertex orb: 6° 25'
Saturn square Part of Fortune orb: 4° 5'
Uranus conjunction Neptune orb: 1° 56'
Uranus opposition Juno orb: 4° 48'
Uranus sextile Vesta orb: 5° 5'
Uranus square Midheaven orb: 6° 51'
Uranus square Imum Coeli orb: 6° 51'
Neptune sextile Pluto orb: 5° 36'
Neptune opposition Juno orb: 6° 44'
Neptune sextile Vesta orb: 3° 9'
Neptune sextile White Moon Selena orb: 5° 57'
Pluto conjunction Vesta orb: 2° 27'
Pluto square Chiron orb: 0° 6'
Pluto conjunction White Moon Selena orb: 0° 22'
Pluto square Pholus orb: 4° 8'
North Node opposition South Node orb: 0° 0'
North Node trine Chiron orb: 1° 9'
North Node trine Pholus orb: 5° 10'
North Node conjunction Ascendant orb: 1° 51'
North Node opposition Descendant orb: 1° 51'
South Node trine Black Moon Lilith orb: 7° 39'
South Node sextile Chiron orb: 1° 9'
South Node sextile Pholus orb: 5° 10'
South Node opposition Ascendant orb: 1° 51'
South Node conjunction Descendant orb: 1° 51'
Black Moon Lilith sextile Pallas orb: 1° 4'
Black Moon Lilith trine Part of Fortune orb: 7° 8'
Ceres trine Midheaven orb: 7° 36'
Ceres opposition Vertex orb: 5° 28'
Ceres square Part of Fortune orb: 7° 48'
Juno opposition Pallas orb: 7° 55'
Juno square Midheaven orb: 2° 3'
Juno square Imum Coeli orb: 2° 3'
Juno trine Part of Fortune orb: 1° 51'
Pallas square Midheaven orb: 5° 52'
Pallas square Imum Coeli orb: 5° 52'
Vesta square Chiron orb: 2° 20'
Vesta conjunction White Moon Selena orb: 2° 48'
Vesta square Pholus orb: 1° 41'
Chiron square White Moon Selena orb: 0° 28'
Chiron conjunction Pholus orb: 4° 1'
Chiron trine Ascendant orb: 0° 42'
Chiron sextile Descendant orb: 0° 42'
White Moon Selena square Pholus orb: 4° 29'
Pholus trine Ascendant orb: 3° 19'
Pholus sextile Descendant orb: 3° 19'
Ascendant opposition Descendant orb: 0° 0'
Midheaven opposition Imum Coeli orb: 0° 0'
Midheaven sextile Vertex orb: 2° 8'
Imum Coeli trine Vertex orb: 2° 8'
Vertex square Part of Fortune orb: 2° 20'

Minor Aspects

Sun semisquare Moon orb: 1° 38'
Sun quintile Uranus orb: 2° 55'
Sun quintile Pholus orb: 0° 19'
Moon biquintile Saturn orb: 1° 43'
Moon sesquiquadrate Ceres orb: 1° 11'
Moon semisextile Pholus orb: 1° 41'
Mercury semisextile North Node orb: 1° 26'
Mercury quincunx South Node orb: 1° 26'
Mercury semisextile Ascendant orb: 0° 25'
Mercury quincunx Descendant orb: 0° 25'
Mercury semisquare Midheaven orb: 1° 1'
Mercury sesquiquadrate Imum Coeli orb: 1° 1'
Venus sesquiquadrate Mars orb: 1° 9'
Venus biquintile Juno orb: 0° 4'
Venus semisextile Pallas orb: 1° 51'
Mars quintile Jupiter orb: 0° 48'
Mars quincunx North Node orb: 3° 17'
Mars semisextile Pholus orb: 1° 53'
Mars quincunx Ascendant orb: 1° 26'
Mars semisextile Descendant orb: 1° 26'
Jupiter quincunx Black Moon Lilith orb: 1° 53'
Jupiter semisquare Vesta orb: 1° 59'
Jupiter semisquare Pholus orb: 0° 18'
Saturn quincunx Juno orb: 2° 14'
Uranus semisquare Black Moon Lilith orb: 1° 13'
Uranus biquintile Chiron orb: 1° 25'
Uranus biquintile Pholus orb: 2° 36'
Uranus quincunx Pholus orb: 3° 24'
Neptune semisquare Black Moon Lilith orb: 0° 43'
Neptune biquintile Chiron orb: 0° 31'
Neptune quincunx Pholus orb: 1° 28'
Pluto semisextile North Node orb: 1° 2'
Pluto quincunx South Node orb: 1° 2'
Pluto sesquiquadrate Juno orb: 2° 40'
Pluto semisextile Ascendant orb: 0° 49'
Pluto quincunx Descendant orb: 0° 49'
Pluto semisquare Midheaven orb: 0° 37'
Pluto sesquiquadrate Imum Coeli orb: 0° 37'
North Node semisextile White Moon Selena orb: 0° 41'
North Node sesquiquadrate Vertex orb: 2° 33'
North Node semisquare Part of Fortune orb: 0° 13'
South Node biquintile Ceres orb: 0° 59'
South Node biquintile Vesta orb: 2° 31'
South Node quincunx Vesta orb: 3° 29'
South Node quincunx White Moon Selena orb: 0° 41'
South Node sesquiquadrate Part of Fortune orb: 0° 13'
Black Moon Lilith semisextile Ceres orb: 0° 40'
Black Moon Lilith quintile Ascendant orb: 2° 30'
Black Moon Lilith biquintile Midheaven orb: 0° 56'
Ceres semisextile Pallas orb: 1° 44'
Ceres quintile Vesta orb: 1° 32'
Ceres biquintile Descendant orb: 2° 50'
Juno sesquiquadrate White Moon Selena orb: 2° 18'
Pallas sesquiquadrate Pholus orb: 1° 7'
Pallas biquintile Vertex orb: 2° 16'
Pallas quincunx Vertex orb: 3° 44'
Vesta semisextile Ascendant orb: 1° 38'
Vesta quincunx Descendant orb: 1° 38'
Chiron semisquare Midheaven orb: 0° 43'
Chiron sesquiquadrate Imum Coeli orb: 0° 43'
White Moon Selena semisextile Ascendant orb: 1° 10'
White Moon Selena quincunx Descendant orb: 1° 10'
White Moon Selena semisquare Midheaven orb: 0° 15'
White Moon Selena sesquiquadrate Imum Coeli orb: 0° 15'
Ascendant quintile Midheaven orb: 1° 34'
Ascendant sesquiquadrate Vertex orb: 0° 42'
Ascendant semisquare Part of Fortune orb: 1° 38'
Descendant quintile Imum Coeli orb: 1° 34'
Descendant semisquare Vertex orb: 0° 42'
Descendant sesquiquadrate Part of Fortune orb: 1° 38'
Midheaven semisextile Part of Fortune orb: 0° 12'
Imum Coeli quincunx Part of Fortune orb: 0° 12'

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